Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Sometimes this life aint easy, but I got a word to encourage us:

“I will remember the deeds of the Lord. Yes I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all your works and consider your mighty deeds" Psalm77vs11, 12

Take a minute & ask yourself this question-“What have I been thinking about lately?” What memories have been filling your mind? Are you preoccupied with the negative circumstances of the present? Are you worrying about how you’re gonna pay your rent; or reminiscing on the broken relationships of the past? Are u thinking about the emptiness of your pocket; or remembering the nasty things that have been said about you?
Are you thinking about how frustrating yesterday was? Are you worrying about your future, wondering if you’re gonna make that admission list or get that job at Shell Petroleum? Maybe your worry is whether you made the right choice of a life partner, or afraid you’ll never get married at all.
Your anxiety may be your agonizing battle against sinful habits, discouraged that you haven’t been able to resist the temptation to sin. Or you’re just depressed thinking about all those gloomy reports on CNN and in the news papers.
Well we all think these thoughts every now and then, some of us more often than others. We are bombarded with sights and sounds of both the present and past that threaten our peace of mind and discourage us. But here and now I want to encourage u to close your eyes to what you are seeing now; borrow the wings of imagination & fly back to the past. Now choose to remember the mighty works of God instead of all those pessimistic thoughts. After all you do have the power of choice. Let me help you...
Think of that glorious day the waters of the Red sea saw God & convulsed! ‘Remember’how they ran away from His feet & formed walls on either side as He led His people through. He passed before them yet His footprints were not seen (psalm 77, 78)
‘See’ how He split the rocks in the desert. Hard granite stone became a reservoir of pure gushing water, purer than the Blue Mist “pure" water I buy every day. He led His people by a pillar of cloud by day & a pillar of fire by night.
Cast your mind to more recent times; how He saved you from accidents& from the hospital bed: how He supplied your needs. Think of how merciful He has been, forgiving your many sins. Psalm 103 is a good psalm to read when you find it hard to count your blessings.
Dear friend, 1000 pages would never be enough to list all the works of God. Therefore I encourage you to help me out in turn by listing all the mighty works of God that you can remember; and let your heart be encouraged by the Truth- God is a great God. He's greater than your problems. Take heart and be encouraged!

CF ‘93
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