Monday, September 28, 2009

Dreams do come true!

You know when God decides to get you on your knees and pour out buckets of blessings on your head it can be a very unreal experience. It feels like you are dreaming and every now and then you pinch yourself to see if you are really awake.

God recently pulverised my life with a barrage of blessings. Though it was something I had longed for desperately for the past 3 or 4 months, when it came, I honestly felt it was too good to be true. Each morning I would wake up and look around expecting to see that I was back to square one.

In fact, I at times found myself repeatedly asking God to bless me as though He had not already done it. The truth is that I somehow felt I didn't deserve to be so blessed.I had often felt that you had to be a saint to get God to answer your prayers. I sure haven't been one.
When God gives you your heart's desire exactly as you requested for it, it's an amazing experience.

Looking back, I realize it was a journey of faith...a good fight of faith, as Apostle Paul would put it. 6 months ago it was merely a wish. Three months later it became a desperate desire. At times I would be so sonfident in the faith I had, and I would visualize it happening and draw inspiration from it. But most times I would be shaken by doubt and descend into despair.

My dear Sokoto friend was a great encouragement. She provided a listening ear and a few other things, to make me feel that I could cope with the present situation. I must confess it wasn't easy.

Now I drive around my new environment and sit in my new office, and whenever I remember where I was driving and sitting barely a month ago...a wide smile creeps onto my heart and spills over on to my face....haa

God is indeed good and kind and merciful.
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